• Question: Is it hard to teach Marine Biology

    Asked by cbc14159@cbcg.ie to Chloe on 7 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Chloe Kinsella

      Chloe Kinsella answered on 7 Nov 2014:

      Not at all! I think its very easy because most people find it interesting. When I teach marine biology I usually pick a theme for the class, for example, fish. In the class we would start off talking about what exactly is a fish (it has fins, gills, scales etc) and then chat about some interesting examples (have you ever seen a blobfish?!). I try to choose photo examples of weird and wonderful fish so that they capture everyone’s attention. Every animal type has strange features like how it defends itself, or what it eats or an unusual behaviour. For the last section of a class I like to get the class to do a group activity. This could be making a marine food chain, creating shark posters, or playing a ‘find the camouflaged fish’ game. I have great fun teaching marine biology!
