• Question: They have a cure for cancer but do you think they will give it to hospitals or do you think they will keep going with the tretments they have now

    Asked by Gracce14 to Anthea, Chloe, Kevin, Michel, Sean on 14 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Chloe Kinsella

      Chloe Kinsella answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      First of all, cancer is a complex disease. There are so many different types and it has so many causes. Other diseases may have one cause, like a virus, so it usually gets cured quicker as scientists focus on one single virus. As cancer has so many causes it takes teams of all different types of scientists working together to come up with different ways to treat different cancers. When one treatment seems to be working in a laboratory, it has to go through years of trials on mice and trials on humans before it is allowed to be given to cancer patients.

      There is an idea that big pharmaceutical companies have a ‘cure’ for cancer and are not sharing this information with doctors as they want to make more money out of this knowledge, but I don’t believe this. Almost everyone has a relative or knows someone that has or had cancer. Even the workers in the big pharmaceutical companies would have an aunt or granddad or friend that could be sick with cancer. I don’t believe they could be so cruel as to not share the cure and help save lives.
